Leadership is an important criteria for maintenance and improvement of the quality of staff and the organization. As it is the critical factor for allocating and targeting roles and facilities in order to achieve the goals. Leadership has attracted the attention of sociologist, social psychologist and political scientists in various contexts. No unanimity is, however, found on the precise meaning of the term among the different social scientists.
Without a good leader the staff and organization cannot be developed. Functionally speaking, leadership is to induce or persuade all subordinates or followers, to contribute with cheerful readiness or organizational goals as warranted by their capabilities. Leadership is in fact the rare ability to inspire. Leadership acts as a backbone within the system of an organization because it is the basic criteria for the balance and betterment of the quality of an organization. It has got the attention of various sociologists, psychologists and politicians toward itself. They look upon this term with various directions and there is no agreement on the accurate meaning of this term. The sociologists must have to study it deeply and also have become conversant with its exposed and dormant realities. But they understand it very complex and difficult term that is why these are not agrees to know about the concept of leadership.
Leadership inspires the others to do their jobs in order to achieve goals. So a good Leader runs an organization in a sensible way and behaves rationally with his subordinates to get maximum output.
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