There are three basic levels of expertise required for educational leader:
Technical Skill
Ability to use knowledge, methods, techniques, and equipment, necessary for the performance of specific tasks, acquired from experience, education and training.
Human Skill
Ability and judgment in working with and through people, including an understanding of motivation and an application of effective leadership.
Conceptual Skill
Ability to understand the complexities of the overall organization and where one’s own operation fits into the organization. There are five Major skills required for efficient educational manager:
There are five Major skills required for efficient educational manager:
It consists on following major values for school head in the efficient management of a school: Commitment, Cooperation, Punctuality, Patience, Watchfulness, Integrity and Fairness.
Since of Judgment
Sense of judgment is necessary for situation requiring. Three skills given below need to be exercised by an effective school head, Decision making, Conflict Resolution and Supervisory Skills.
Occupational Knowledge
The skills have been identified for a school head such as: Current policies, rule, regulations, and financial management teaching methodologies. Institutional planning information seeking / providing staff relations and Community involvement.
Technical Knowledge
A school head should have a high proficiency in matters of financial matters, administration, record maintenance, and leadership.
Manipulative Skills
Manipulation taken in a healthy sense is a critical skill involving interplay of skills in different residence, a sense of judgment, exercising of moral values together in a way that ultimately it is the individual person with a competent professional behaviour whom act appropriately to gradually raise his own school.
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