Energy resources have depleted! Whatever resources are available are simply too expensive to buy or already acquired by countries which had planned and acted long him ago. Delayed efforts in the exploration secret or have not been able to find sufficient amount of energy resources.
Nation of the world which have been their own reserves are not supplying energy resources anymore; only the old contracts made decades ago are active. Airplanes, trains, cars, motorbikes, buses and trucks, all made of transportation are coming to stand still. Price of oil has gone above the ceiling. At domestic level alternate methods like solar, bio gas and other methods are being tried for mere survived. The above is a likely scenario of Pakistan and around the globe after 25 years. A pessimistic view, but realistic enough to think about and plan for the future. But are we doing anything about it, let have a look at the current energy situation of Pakistan and the world.

The energy consumption is expected to grow at a double digit if the overall economy sustains the targeted GDP growth rate of 6% by the government. Pakistan energy requirements are expected to double in the next few years and or energy requirement by 2015 is likely to cross 120 MOTE, By 2030,the nations requirement will be 7 times the current requirements reaching 361 MOTE. Pakistan’s energy requirements are fulfilled with more than 80% of energy resources through imports.
On the other hands international oil prices have not only broken all records but are touching new highs, with every new directly or indirectly affecting the black gold industry. Moreover, speculators all around the world expect oil prices to $100 per barrel in medium terms. With concerns over Iran’s nuclear program, terrorist issue in Nigeria and high economic growth in China and India and their ever rising energy requirements, oil prices don’t see any other way but to shoot upwards.
What is government doing to ensure a sustainable supply of energy resources for economic growth? What strategic steps are being taken to acquire energy resources in future? Is private sector willing to invest in Pakistan oil industry? What are the incentives being offered to the foreign players to continue work in the exploration sector? What hurdles are stopping other big players around the world to enter Pakistan? What is the role of gas distribution companies so far? Are the citizens of Pakistan being robbed by energy giants with ever rising utility bills? What should be the real price of petroleum, kerosene and other oil products in Pakistan? When will the nation have “load shedding free “electric supply? Have we been able to make contracts with the countries to provide uninterrupted supply of energy resources? Will the government be able to provide enough sources to the citizens for a sustainable economic growth? Have we lost the race for acquiring maximum energy resources for future survival?
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