Youth are not the leaders of tomorrow but also the partners of today. Young people are social actors of change and process.They are a vital sector of a nation’s development. Their constitution is highly needed. Youth always has been the key to any of the activities in the world, be it a war, politics or construction work.Proper leadership and direction can bring the youth in the front position of national developments.
The younger have passions, dreams, hopes and implementation.They have building passion which has to be regulated and operate the right way. This can surely ensure rapid development. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation is a living example. He had a revolutionary thought and he exercised his thought and look, how he has changed the world today.
After all, all the people can only exercise their full potential when they are young and energetic. Youth is that period in which revolutionary thoughts spring to mind and these thoughts shape the world we live in. As the example of Late Arfa Kareem Randhawa who had the honor of the youngest Microsoft specialist in this world.
The policies and development works of a nation can only be carried out by youth. As said earlier, they are the social actors of change and progress. They carry out the policies and do all the development works which older people are incapable of carrying out in actuality. They make policies and plans but those are implemented by the young people. That is why, the youth are considered as the pillars of developments.
Youth constitute the major portion of world population. About 25 percent of the world population is youth. Thus, such a major portion of population cannot be ignored. Add to it the energy and determination, youth can be considered.
In the end, I want to conclude by saying that the youth of the world has a capacity to change this world according to needs of this era. It can build the nation and do more for the development of nation where the others cannot do in such a way.
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