A school head faces a number of problems while leading a school. Therefore, the nature of problems must be fully understood before deciding appropriate measures. Obviously, the proposed strategies can also serve to diffuse, manage and resolve conflicts in certain specific residence like teacher unionism and student violence. Conflicts / crises need to be visualized as problem. Good leadership anticipates problems and develops strategies to minimize the possibility of conflicts / crises. In most cases, the head teacher tries to move around, avoid or cover up conflicting situations.
Some times, the head teacher tends to blame teachers, students and bureaucracy which should be avoided. A key group in a school, of course, is teaching staff. Some of teaching staff members may be more qualified, experienced and capable as compared to head teacher.
Some of them might be entitled to become head teachers but they prefer working as teachers for professional pursuits and academic freedom. Teaching staff should be treated as colleagues rather than subordinates. Rationalization of authority in any educational institution is extremely difficult task. Hence, the head teacher needs to create an environment of mutual trust, respect and understanding.The school head should adopt a democratic approach by listening to teachers, students and understanding their problems and professional concerns. He / she should ensure that complete and accurate records of pupils and staff, stock registers are being maintained and kept safely. This will enable the school management to check absenteeism and irregular movement of staff and school resources. The audit officers normally visit schools to check account books, etc of the school. It is, therefore, necessary for the head teacher to keep proper accounts of income and expenditure, vouchers, receipts, etc, duly supported by vouchers.
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